
Consultants from AHBL, Lisa Klein and Wayne Carlson briefed the SC on the final findings and recommendations. Affordability is less of an issue for military households. Based on prevailing sales prices and rental rates and the BAH for military personnel, approximately 88% of the total housing stock in the market area is affordable. The key challenge faced by military is finding available housing within a 30-minute drive given the structural supply limitations. Tom Knight stated that JBLM is in the process of realigning resources so that the Rental Partnership Program can be reactivated in the next 45 days. To access the entire study click here.
2015 Joint Land Use Study (JLUS)
Transportation Study Presentation

SSMCP recently completed a technical report to identify a prioritized list of arterial street and highway improvements that are focused on enhancing both the mobility and safety of JBLM access. Final findings and recommendations regarding, Evaluation of Local Transportation Impacts in the Vicinity of JBLM.
This project recommends and prioritizes projects, programs, and policies that improve access to JBLM and maintain a safe and reliable transportation system both on and off-base. Report was appreciated and well received with no modifications needed.
The Transport Group and SCJ Alliance team is currently working a concept and feasibility assessment for the exit 120 Main gate “flyover”. Intent is to present this assessment to JBLM staff the end of September. Information on the entire project can be accessed at: or